Neuroaffective relational Model (NARM)

Trauma-informed counseling for individuals seeking greater aliveness and ease in their lives.

Why Choose NARM ?

Rather than simply talking about what is happening for us, NARM integrates the nervous system in the present moment, creating a deeper opportunity for change and growth.

Dr. Sara works from the perspective that developmentally, we all have requirements for connection and belonging that we develop resources and strategies for throughout our life. When we are met with connection, we are able to learn how to self-regulate and resource in an adaptive manner.

However so often, we are met with challenging situations throughout our lives that cause us to enter into a dysregulated state. We then develop survival strategies as a way to manage the sense of disconnection and dysregulation we experience as a result. By attuning to our own survival strategies in terms of how they contributed to our survival in the past and understanding how they play out in the present moment, we can gain a greater sense of understanding, ease, and self- compassion as we move forward in our lives.

The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) is a modality that focuses on helping those with complex developmental trauma work with survival patterns that cause dis-ease in their lives to approach a sense of greater ease, aliveness, and engagement. You can learn more about NARM here:


*These visits do not offer integrative support with naturopathic medicine. If you are seeking a combination of counseling with a more comprehensive holistic framework that may include herbs, nutrition, or supplemental therapies, a naturopathic medicine visit is more appropriate for you.


Dr. Sara has also been influenced by the following approaches and integrates elements of these into her work:

  • Acceptance and Commitment based therapy

  • Motivational interviewing

  • Internal Family Systems therapy

  • Mindfulness-based approaches

  • Polyvagal theory

  • The work of Peter Levine, Bessel Van der Kolk, Janina Fischer, Pat Ogden, Gabor Mate and others

Initial consultation and follow up visits

1 hr